
Mice to genetically manipulate muscle stem cells

Pax7CreERT2: Mice we developed to manipulate fetal, neonatal, and adult muscle stem cells (adult muscle stems are called satellite cells). In the adult, at least 95% of satellite cells are genetically labeled with YFP in Pax7CreERT2/+;R26RYFP/+ mice. These mice are described and used in Murphy et al. 2011, Murphy et al. 2014, and Keefe et al. 2015.  They are available through JAX (017763; use adjacent link). These have been ordered by > 250 labs as of June 2016!

Mice to manipulate muscle connective tissue fibroblasts

Tcf4GFPCre: Mice we developed (in collaboration with Melinda Angus-Hil and Mario Capecchi) to manipulate muscle connective tissue fibroblasts. At P0, Tcf4GFPCre+Neo mice label 58% of the fibroblasts, and no myogeneic cells, while Tcf4GFPCre-Neo mice label 100% of the fibroblasts, but label some myogenic cells (probably myofibers). Both mice are described in Mathew et al. 2011. These mice are now available through JAX (031435; use adjacent link). NOTE: Tcf4 is actually formally known as Tcf7L2!

Tcf4CreERT2: Mice we developed (in collaboration with Melinda Angus-Hill and Mario Capecchi) to manipulate muscle connective tissue fibroblasts, primarily in the adult. At 6 weeks, Tcf4CreERT2 mice label 45% of the fibroblasts. The mice are described in Murphy et al. 2011. These mice are now available through JAX 9031437; use adjacent link). NOTE: Tcf4 is actually formally known as Tcf7L2!

PdgfraCreERT2: Mice were developed by Brigid Hogan and beautifully recombine in muscle connective tissue fibroblasts (FAPS). Available from Jax 032770 (click on mouse on left for link).